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Showing 49–64 of 138 results

Daisaku Ikeda

In this series of discussions, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda explores “the third stage of life”, or life after 60, from the perspective of Buddhist humanism.

Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda offers a message of optimism about our common future by sharing personal glimpses of individuals throughout the world whose perseverance led to extraordinary achievements.

Stuart Rees and Daisaku Ikeda

Peace, Justice and the Poetic Mind: Conversations on the Path of Nonviolence is a series of conversations between SGI President Daisaku Ikeda and peace worker Stuart Rees, two poetic individuals whose lives have been deeply steeped in the concerns of peace.

Daisaku Ikeda's Philosophy of Peace

Olivier Urbain

Who is Daisaku Ikeda? At one level, he is the leader of a religious movement – Soka Gakkai – which began in Japan, where it still has its headquarters, but which now claims 12 million adherents around the world.

Planetary Citizenship

Hazel Henderson and Daisaku Ikeda

This dialogue between futurist Hazel Henderson and Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist thinker and president of lay Buddhist movement Soka Gakkai International (SGI), explores the rise of “grassroots globalists,” ordinary citizens taking responsibility to build a more peaceful, harmonious and sustainable future.

Record of the Orally Transmitted Transmitted Teachings

Nichiren Daishonin

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings is Nichiren Daishonin’s oral teachings on the Lotus Sutra, recorded and compiled by his disciple and successor Nikko.

Search For A New Humanity

Josef Derbolav and Daisaku Ikeda

Two men representative of East and West embarked in 1982 on what would become a dialogue continuing over a five-year period, evaluating the influences of philosophy and religion on the human condition in their respective cultures.

Daisaku Ikeda

Shining Suns of Soka is a collection of daily encouragement for the women’s division, drawn from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s writings.

Soka Education

Daisaku Ikeda

In this collection of addresses and proposals, Daisaku Ikeda brings a fresh perspective from which to view the ultimate purpose of education and its transformative processes.

Songs From My Heart

Daisaku Ikeda

Songs from My Heart is perhaps best described as a selection of Ikeda’s personal diaries of his travels and experiences recorded in poetry and photographs.

Subverting Hatred

ed. Daniel L. Smith-Christopher

In the spring of 1998, the Boston Research Center for the 21st Century commissioned this series of essays to investigate the theme of nonviolence in the sacred texts, the oral teachings, and the traditions of major world religions.

Faith for a harmonious family. Faith for achieving happiness. Faith for overcoming obstacles. Faith for health and long life. Faith for absolute victory.

Daisaku Ikeda

In this book, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda explains why the Lotus Sutra is considered the central teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha in Nichiren Buddhism and why the ‘Expedient Means’ and ‘Life Span’ chapters are its essence.

Daisaku Ikeda

SGI President Ikeda’s lectures that are compiled in this book explore some fundamental questions on life, birth, death, happiness, the purpose of life and other topics.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nichiren Daishonin composed these hope-filled writings in the midst of formidable, even life-and-death struggles.

The Journey Begins - English

World Tribune Press

Available in English, Chinese, French, Japanese & Spanish; The Journey Begins is a pamphlet on the basics of Nichiren Buddhism.

Showing 49–64 of 138 results

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