Buddhism For You: Prayer presents the thoughts of Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist scholar and spiritual leader for millions worldwide, focusing on the importance of a dauntless spirit.
Thoughts on selected topics by Daisaku Ikeda, Faith Into Action provides fully indexed, easy-to-access excerpts from Daisaku Ikeda’s works, in dozens of categories.
In the author’s own words, this work looks at “the relationship between the Buddhist answers to the mystery of life and the empiric solutions modern science has offered to the same questions” and “ways in which Buddhist truth may be illustrated in modern scientific terms.”
In this series of discussions, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda explores “the third stage of life”, or life after 60, from the perspective of Buddhist humanism.
The Vow of the Ikeda Kayo-kai, Encouragement for Young Women, is a collection of messages, essays and a speech by Daisaku Ikeda. Also includes beautiful photos, songs and poems.
The Way of Youth in the way of youth renowned philosopher and President of the Soka Gakkai International, Dr. Daisaku Ikeda shares insights into the real life problems of young people and addresses their concerns in a warm, empathetic and reassuring manner.