
We study together in order to share the profound and humanistic philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism. Inspiring in each other the confidence to create a purposeful life, study is an engaged activity through which we continuously deepen our understanding of and appreciation for our life and life itself.

Applying Buddhist concepts to the challenges of day-to-day life enables the truly transformative power of Buddhism to be revealed. The joy of discussing Buddhist concepts serves to deepen one’s own faith while simultaneously contributing to the happiness of others.

The foundation for SGI study material is derived from the Writings of Nichiren Buddhism (WND volumes 1 & 2), which are often referred to as the Gosho (letters). SGI President Daisaku Ikeda continues to write extensively on these writings and his lectures are widely available. Indigo, SGI Australia’s monthly magazine, provides a constant source of study materials for group discussions and dialogue with friends and study course materials appear in Indigo regularly. These courses are held in groups and facilitate interactive learning, with an emphasis on participation and dialogue. Indigo is available in the SGI Australia bookshops and from our website.

We encourage all members to subscribe to Indigo for access to deeper study and a contemporary expression of the application of Buddhism. A subscription form is included in introductory packages on joining and is also available from local leaders, centre bookshops, our website and the SGI Australia administrative office. As much as possible we cater for members from linguistic and culturally diverse backgrounds. Currently we are able to provide Indigo supplements in Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Thai (please refer to a subscription form).

A wide range of books are also available for purchase in each Centre bookshop and on-line.

Current Publications


About the Spirit and Development of Soka Gakkai and SGI

Deeper Study

SGI President Ikeda also produced lecture series on the philosophy of Buddhism and major writings of Nichiren Daishonin, the most recent appear in Indigo, others have been compiled for publication. These include: The World of Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings; The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra; Opening of the Eyes; On Attaining Buddhahood; and, The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life.

History of Buddhism

A Selection of Dialogues and Major Works of
SGI President Ikeda