Nichiren Buddhism & SGI

Soka Gakkai, literally translates as “value creation society”. Members of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) throughout the world strive to reveal the life state of Buddhahood or enlightenment and enact the creative and compassionate potential in life. In so doing, we challenge ourselves to create thriving and peaceful families, work places and communities. The ultimate goal is, through the process of inner reformation (often referred to as human revolution), to create peace and spiritual prosperity in society. This is usually referred to by the Japanese term kosen-rufu.

Soka Gakkai bases itself on the teaching and practice established by Nichiren Daishonin, a Buddhist priest and philosopher living in thirteenth century Japan. Nichiren revealed a direct means for all people to become happy through the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (the title of the Lotus Sutra, a teaching expounded by Shakyamuni Buddha of India). It is a universally accessible practice that activates the inherent Buddha nature or creative life-force existing in all life, and enables each person to positively transform their life and relationships.

SGI Australia supports each person in gaining benefit from this practical and humanistic way of living through offering personalised guidance as well as opportunities to train and take responsibility for personal growth and social contribution. Toward this end SGI Australia emphasises participation in group discussion meetings and promotes peace, cultural and educational activities; also collaborating with like-minded organisations and educational institutions.