Philosophy In Action

Officially founded by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda in 1964, SGI Australia is an affiliate of Soka Gakkai International and upholds the same values and principles. With twelve million members in 192 countries, SGI organisations are a network of individuals dedicated to the happiness of humanity. Through its activities, SGI Australia is weaving a fabric of peace that extends beyond divisions such as politics, culture, language, gender and age. This empowering expression of enlightenment means viewing the self, society and the global environment as inter-dependent rather than separate.

The primary activity to this end is the small group discussion meetings which are held in private homes. Larger meetings are also held in our community centres or local community venues. Study courses, lectures and training courses provide support for further Buddhist learning. Conferences and public exhibitions give SGI Australia members opportunities to be actively involved in social contribution and personal development. SGI Australia ensures the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin are widely available by producing publications, the organ publication being Indigo in a number of languages and distributing the enormous body of work produced by the President of SGI, Daisaku Ikeda.

Small group discussion meetings are an open environment where SGIA members and friends come to learn about Buddhism and the potential that each individual has to reform their lives. They provide a regular opportunity, meetings are usually held every fortnight or once a month, to share experiences, learn about the basic principles of Buddhism and engage in dialogue about life. Learning about Buddhist philosophy in small group discussion meetings provides members with the confidence to apply Buddhism to the challenges faced in daily life. Commemorative meetings, held each month at SGIA community centres and local venues each  month, celebrate key events in the development of Nichiren Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai. On these days we celebrate and reflect on our struggle for peace and inspire in each other the desire to work for the sake of humanity.