An ongoing series of the novelised history of the Soka Gakkai, Shin’ichi Yamamoto, the 3rd president of SGI, embarks on his trips overseas to fulfil his mentor’s vision of worldwide Kosen-Rufu.
In the 25 years since the first Japanese and English language editions of the Peccei-Ikeda dialogues, science and technology have opened new frontiers of industry and productivity.
Creating Waldens: An East-West Conversation on the American Renaissance is a deft and thoughtful dialogue by Daisaku Ikeda, Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson.
Johan Galtung, founder of the International Peace Research Institute, and Daisaku Ikeda explore the interface between Buddhism and nonviolent solutions to global conflict.
The exchanges between Sir Joseph Rotblat and Daisaku Ikeda read like an absorbing textbook for understanding the deeper currents of humanity’s struggle to live with itself in an age of nuclear arms.