An ongoing series of the novelised history of the Soka Gakkai, Shin’ichi Yamamoto, the 3rd president of SGI, embarks on his trips overseas to fulfil his mentor’s vision of worldwide Kosen-Rufu.
In a spontaneously wide-ranging conversation over dinner one winter evening in Japan, sociologist of religion Bryan Wilson and Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda recognised the importance of explaining and learning about their worldviews.
Along the fast-paced course of this dialogue emerges a broad yet sensitive glimpse of two men—one a specialist in chemistry/a scientist, the other a Buddhist—both strongly committed to peace and disarmament as fundamental human rights.
“Global Civilization” emerged from a series of conversations between two peace advocates of Japanese and Iranian origin. It covers the encounters between Buddhist and Islamic civilisations from the 7th century to the present.
According to Rene Huyghe, throughout human history, any given society of human beings has functioned with little interest in what lay beyond its reach other than its needs for survival.