An ongoing series of the novelised history of the Soka Gakkai, Shin’ichi Yamamoto, the 3rd president of SGI, embarks on his trips overseas to fulfil his mentor’s vision of worldwide Kosen-Rufu.
Johan Galtung, founder of the International Peace Research Institute, and Daisaku Ikeda explore the interface between Buddhism and nonviolent solutions to global conflict.
Along the fast-paced course of this dialogue emerges a broad yet sensitive glimpse of two men—one a specialist in chemistry/a scientist, the other a Buddhist—both strongly committed to peace and disarmament as fundamental human rights.
In the earlier half of the 20th century, Austrian-born writer Stefan Zweig is said to have urged organising for peace as the most effective measure against the organisations of war. In a parallel vein on a different continent, Daisaku Ikeda culled from the tragedy of war a lifelong commitment to building the resources for peace.