The scriptures of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism are called the “Gosho”. The Gosho is a work of faith, of philosophy, of daily living, of eternal peace and of boundless hope.
The exchanges between Sir Joseph Rotblat and Daisaku Ikeda read like an absorbing textbook for understanding the deeper currents of humanity’s struggle to live with itself in an age of nuclear arms.
A compilation of conversations between President Ikeda & representatives from the Soka Gakkai Doctors Division. Their discussions cover a wide range of topics realting to various illnesses.
Along the fast-paced course of this dialogue emerges a broad yet sensitive glimpse of two men—one a specialist in chemistry/a scientist, the other a Buddhist—both strongly committed to peace and disarmament as fundamental human rights.
The dialogue recorded here can be characterised as a vital bridge much like the ancient Silk Road, connecting the easternmost and westernmost civilisations of Asia.